Please Join us Saturday, January 11th, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI
The Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 officers, and our annual FEZ party. Your confirmation email will include a link to reserve your hotel room at a reduced rate of $125 per night at The Lismore Hotel. This rate is available 1/9 - 1/12. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 12/01/24 for reduced rate eligibility. Don't want to wait for the confirmation email? Click on the link at the top of the page. This year all events (both men's and women's) will be held at The Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather. There is covered ramp parking at the hotel. The ticket cost is per person and includes lunch, hors d'oeuvres, dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount complete registration before 1, December, 2024. In the upper ballroom (Wilson Hall), following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shriner Red, and the Chippewa River.